Oldcopper Contacts
(c) Antique Metalware Society
Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to 'Oldcopper.org' website.
Helpful comments are very welcome.
No Valuations from this site!
'No one with a shred of integrity would do an appraisal over the internet. There are too many variables to consider. Hands-on examination is the only way to determine 'value' - (The International Guild of Lamp Researchers.)'.
If a maker's mark is not on the pages then information on it will not be available.
Good photos of unknown marks are welcome for addition to the 'unknown' pages for possible identification. An accompanying shot of the item itself is also helpful.
Information and illustrations that are added to the website are gratefully acknowledged.
Contributions and helpful comments are welcome.
After eighty years of use, my eyes are getting a little tired and my two-finger typing getting slower. Therefore I cannot spend time on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or other social websites.
This website is now to be managed by the Antique Metalware Society
A few of the many other informative websites:
Antique Metalware Society AMS.
An expanding website of significant interest.
Oil Lamps
Historic Lighting Club UK
Website: www.historiclightingclub.co.uk
Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Brian Eade
Email: brianeade124@btinternet.com.
Grace's Guide to British Industrial History.
Brass Needle Cases: Terry Meinke.
More About Thimbles.
National Horse Brass Society.
Antique and Vintage Buttons. National Button Society.
The Three Monkeys. Three Monkeys Worldwide.
Blowlamp.co.uk. French Blowlamps. Blow Torch Heaven.
The Military Badge Forum: British and Commonwealth Maker Marks
Information on Copper Properties and Markets:
International Copper Association, CopperInfo and World-Wide Links.
Copper Development Association Inc. (USA)
Copper Development Centres have been set up in many countires with funding from local and international sources.
For CDA (USA) - www.copper.org
Those in Europe (correct 2021) are:
France Olivier Tissot |
GermanyMichael Sander |
GreeceNikolaos VergopoulosHellenic Copper Development Institute 252 Piraeus Str 177 78 Tavros Athens Greece Tel: +30 (210) 4898 296 Fax: +30 (210) 4898 311 nick.vergopolous@copperalliance.gr |
HungaryRobert PinterHungarian Copper Promotion Centre 1053 Budapest Kepiro u. 9 Hungary Tel: +36 (1) 266 4810 Fax: +36 (1) 266 4804 robert.pinter@copperalliance.hu |
ItalyMarco Crespi Tel: +39 (3) 5549 9371
marco.crespi@copperalliance.it |
PolandMichael RamczykowskiPolskie Centrum Promocji Miedzi Spolka z o o Pl 1 May 1-2 50-136 Wroclaw Poland Tel: +48 71 781 2502 Fax: +48 71 781 2504 michal.ramczykowski@copperalliance.pl |
ScandinaviaPia VoutilainenScandinavian Copper Development Association Tekniikantie 12 |
SpainDiego García CarvajalCentro Espanol de Informacion del Cobre Calle Princesa 79 - 1 izda 28008 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 5448 451 Fax: +34 91 5448 884 diego.carvajal@copperalliance.es |
Website Setup.
The 'php' framework for the pages was expertly set up by Anthony Rome of SilverMarbles, Ltd. Telford. Many thanks for the help.