Marks Ma - Md
(c) Antique Metalware Society
Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to '' website.
Helpful comments are very welcome.
A.M. Air Ministry mark found on items made for Air Force equipment | |
AM ? unknown mark on window latch | |
A M S (& Sons?) unknown maker's mark on a cast trivet. Information welcome. | |
NM – unknown mark on copper chamberstick, more information welcome. | |
Manco Plate Mark found under handles of pressed copper sheet stands for teapots and kettles. The copper is hard rolled and sometimes silver plated. The registration number 760134 is often found on the opposite handle. Manchester Coppersmiths, Garland Works, Bennett Street, Manchester. | |
Manganese Bronze Co, Hadleigh Road, Ipswich, formerly also Delta (Manganese Bronze) Ltd and Cerro (Manganese Bronze) Ltd, good quality brasses and bronzes as extruded and drawn rods, bars and forgings as well as castings, now part of Bolton Aerospace. | |
Maurice Davis and Heaps, Birmingham, now Mosda, ‘Squire’ padlocks. Lighters | |
MB unknown mark in shield on paper knife -information welcome. | |
MC unknown mark on candlestick and a well detailed cast pen tray. Information welcome. | |
M & D, 30, Greene Street, New York copper cooking pan. (Thanks for pic. to John Mason of Lexington, Ky.) Elie Moneuse & Louis Francois Duparquet were coppersmiths and range and broiler manufacturers in business in New York City at 30 and 28-30 Greene Street from the mid 1860's into the 1870's. They had a number of U S Patents both together and separately. (Thanks to Pat Dolan) | |
'Mandarin Ware' A J Harrison, 2a, Lozells Street, Birmingham 19. Manufacturing during the 1930s, Trade Mark lapsed 1950. | |
Manning Bowman, Meriden, Conn. Quality tableware mentioned in several websites. For marks see Manning Bowman page. | |
Maple & Co., quality furnishing store, Tottenham Court Road, London. Most goods sourced from British makers, this one from John Marston. | |
Mappin and Webb, Oxford Street, London and elsewhere, department store. Hallmarks. | |
H N Marshall, coppersmith, USA. 1920s. More information welcome. | |
'J.M.' for John Marston, found under copper and brass domestic holloware including 'Guernsey' style jugs, hot water jugs, coal scuttles, warming plates and other holloware. They were mostly made during the period 1883-1902. John Marston of Wolverhampton used these initials. From 1851 he was apprenticed Richard Perry & Son and then bought the metal japanning business of Daniel Smith Lester in 1859. In 1883 he took over the coppersmithing part of the business of Fred Walton & Co. who had been mainly concerned with japanned wares. |
In 1902 Marston sold his copperware business to Orme Evans and decided to concentrate his efforts on the manufacture of bicycles, motor cycles and cars under the 'Sunbeam' name. (information courtesy Andrew Everett). John Marston's full maker's mark including the 'W' for Wolverhampton. It is sometimes seen on his metalware but this illustration is taken from 'Sunbeam Cycles 1887-1895' by John Pinkerton and Derek Roberts, 1982. (courtesy Andrew Everett) |
Martineau and Smith, (Previously Martineau, Beames and Madeley Ltd) Birmingham, Brass cock (tap or faucet) founders and general factors, later Martinsmith, Holloway Head, then Sutton Coldfield. | |
Martins, Guernsey, most common marked cream jugs. Illustrations Guernsey & Jersey Jugs (Creamers) | |
Harry Mason, Birmingham, cockmakers, Trade Mark 'Veribest', found on taps for beer barrels. | |
Mason and Lawley, Birmingham, cockmakers listed from 1800, then continuing as Samuel Mason Ltd., to become specialists in bar equipment and being taken over by Gaskell and Chambers c1925. The brand name was retained. (Photo to come.) | |
'P. M.' Made in New Jersey, USA, unknown maker's mark on a well made copper tray and again on a copper inkwell. | |
W H Mawson set up Keswick Home Industries after he left KSIA | |
May and Padmore (M & P), 120, Leopold St., Birmingham, brassfounders, door springs and cabinet furniture. May & Padmore | |
William McGeoch established his company of brass founders in Glasgow in 1832. As the century unfolded, McGeoch moved into the manufacture of fittings for the then new and exciting market for electric lighting. By the early 1900s the company had a substantial, purpose built, head office in Glasgow incorporating a warehouse and three floors of showrooms. They also established showrooms in London and Newcastle and a manufacturing plant in Birmingham. The range already encompassed a wide choice of domestic and marine electrical fittings from ‘artistic’ statuettes holding lamps to watertight navigation lights. Later catalogues contained further additions to the McGeoch range including marine switchboards on slate panels with open switches and the main manufacturing plant in Birmingham featured more prominently. Ack: Mike Caroll. |
McKechnie Bros, Brass extrusions and forgings, Aldridge, Birmingham. McKechnie Brothers | |