Makers' Marks X Y and Z

(c) Antique Metalware Society

Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to '' website.

Helpful comments are very welcome.

Yaad, slightly double-hit mark on a hand crafted dish from Israel. It was founded by Bezalel (Lilik) and Zahara Schatz along with their mother.  Their father Boris was a renowned metalsmith active in Jerusalem, founder of the Bezalel Academy of Arts. (Information from Pat Dolan).  
The business was founded as the Yale Lock Manufacturing Co. in Stamford, Connecticut in 1868 by Linus Yale Jr and Henry R Towne. It established a British operation by acquiring the business of H&T Vaughan, a long-established lock manufacturer in Wood Street, Willenhall, the historic centre of the British lock industry. (Wiki). It relies on the use of large tonnages of free-machining brass in products where corrosion resistance and low friction are vital.  

Yattenden School of Art and Handicrafts.  An evening school run by Elizabeth Waterhouse of Yattenden Court, Berkshire from 1890 to 1914.  It  covered many types of handicrafts including copperware.    This mark is on an excellent repousée circular tray. Much of their other work is unmarked. There are many references in publications and websites on Arts and Crafts metalwork.

Yorkshire Copper Tube Co, Leeds and Liverpool. Yorkex and Kuterlon brands. Was IMI Yorkshire Tubes, then KME Yorkshire, now a subsidary of Mueller Industries with production concentrated at Wednesbury.  

Youghal Art Metal Workshop, Cork, Ireland where there was a tradition of coppersmithing for the dockyard. Thomas Sparks from KSIA went across to the Youghal Works in Ireland in 1904 to give his specialist skills to the workers. This is why much of the output from Youghal is based on ksia construction. Hence unmarked 'Keswick' is quite often unmarked 'Youghall' unless you know the specific differences' (Brian of Price Walker ltd, Keswick)

Young’s Paraffin Light & Mineral Oil Co., New Spring Street, Birmingham. Lamps and lamp burners. Dr James Young started the first plant to produce paraffin (kerosene) from shale for oil lamps in Britain in 1848.  
Ystad, candlesticks of Eames period, Sweden.  
ZC on an oil lamp winder button - more information very welcome.  

