Makers' Marks 'T'
(c) Antique Metalware Society
Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to '' website.
Helpful comments are very welcome.
HT & S (Sons) – Made in England, mark on late 19th century candlestick. Unknown maker, more information welcome. | |
GMT & Brc., Germany, unknown mark on a brass tea caddy. |
Tagus (Portugal) Recently made good quality modern Portuguese copper holloware for use or decoration. | |
Tamco - Talboys Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Tame Road, Witton, Birmingham 6., sheet metal workers, 1930s-50s., dissolved 1994. Photo to come. | |
Talboys brass plate on a steel air cleaner made for motorcycles in the late 1930s. (Photo by Rob van den Brink). | |
Taylor & Challen, Derwent Foundry, Livery St., Constitution Hill, Birmingham 19, Brass minting machinery. | |
Taylor & Thomas, Empire Works, Great Tindal Street, Birmingham. The 'T&T' mark is registered to 'Townshend and Thompson'. | |
Taylorcraft Boston, Mass | |
Telcon Metals Ltd., Crawley, Sussex. non-sparking tools made of brass, aluminium bronze, phosphor bronze or beryllium copper. Foundry closed 1989. Telcon name continues for magnetic materials. | |
Temple & Crook, Ironmongers, Motcomb St., Victoria St., London. SW. | |
W H Thomas, 74, Ford St., Hockley, Birmingham, bedstead ornaments, buttons and stampings. Trade mark was a cluttered diagonal cross. Photo to come. | |
E Thomason, manufactory, Birmingham. Sir Edward Thomason was a silversmith and plater in competition with Matthew Boulton at the end of the 17th century. | |
Thompson Ritchie & Co., Ltd., 48, James St., 34, Buckingham Gate, London SW , electrical contractors mark on a spirit kettle. Photo to come. | |
Tiffany, jewellers of New York and London. (Note that ‘T & Co’ was used by Townshend.). The Tiffany name was also used by a manufacturer of souvenir belt buckles. See Tiffany and Co. | |
Tilley International plc., 30-32 High Street, Frimley, GU16 5JD. Lamp Makers s-z. | |
S Timmins & Co, 55 Great Hampton Street, Birmingham. Their trade mark was a shield round 'ST' monogram. They were cabinet and general brassfounders, stampers and piercers, and made castors for furniture. | |
J. W. Tiptaft, (James Walter Tiptaft & Son Ltd.) Northampton Street, Birmingham, registered silversmiths who also made brass buttons from c1882 to 1930s. This mark under a pressed brass ashtray. | |
Enoch Tonks & Sons Ltd., Temple Works, Temple Bar, Willenhall, Black Country, West Midlands. They made locks under the 'ETAS' Trade Mark especially coin operated locks for public conveniences. They were taken over by Yale and Towne in 1963. | |
Tonks, William & Sons, (WT&S) Tonks | |
Townshend Ltd (T & Co), Earnest St, Holloway Head, Birmingham, quality foundry and domestic metalwork such as tableware for up-market retailers. See: Townshend. The ‘Acanthus’ and ‘Gongs’ trade mark seems to have been used only for a short-lived period after 1894 for the production of trays, gongs and fireguards with Acanthus patterns and distinctive heavily deckled edges. Townshends Ltd. 'Chromocraft' stamp found under an art deco brass vase. This market may not have revived after the 1914-18 war as by 1926 they were listed as only makers of electrical heating appliances and by 1935 for shop display fittings. |
Townson & Coxson, Alliance Works, Essington Street, Birmingham, gas fittings, Burmos stoves and blowlamps. Photo to come. | |
Tudor Art Metal Co. Ltd., 115, Deritend, Birmingham, manufacturers of silver, copper and brass novelties. They registered several designs for brassware during the early 1900s but no maker's mark has been seen. | |
G Turner and Sons, Macclesfield, Coppersmiths & sheet Metal workers. Further details welcome. (picture ack: 123 thomas). | |
John Turner & Co., Charlotte St. (1818) then St Paul's Churchyard (1823), Birmingham. These initials used until c1820 when the company name changed (ack. Julia Morgan). This sharply defined mark is raised on the underside of a late Georgian candlestick. Others are shown by Butler. | |
C Twigg of Birmingham 'BuFlam' ™ blow torch manufacturers. | |
J Tyzack products are not made in the Isle of Man but in Sheffield and now marketed by Spear and Jackson toolmakers. | |
Marks on the handle of a tool including 'England', the triple leg logo and J TyzackSheffield. | |