Marks Ho-Hz
(c) Antique Metalware Society
Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to '' website.
Helpful comments are very welcome.
Hockley Lamp & Limelight Lamp Makers | |
Rowland Hodges, , 12, Frederick Street, Birmingham (1907), Frederick Works, Brearly Street, Birmingham (1913), hinges and cabinet brassware. Mark - 'H' in a diamond Lozenge. | |
Holmes, Harold, hand crafted copperware, apprenticed to Hugh Wallis. | |
Hoffman, Vienna | |
H J Hookham & Sons (or D J?) , R Hookham Ltd., Sandy Lane, Birmingham B10, spinners, marine supplies, Koomah™. This mark from under a doestic hot water can. |
Stuart Houghton The brand was originally established in 1845 as George Tibbins of Birmingham. It became Stuart Houghton Ltd. in 1969 and was based in Ledbury. | |
'SH' is sometimes found on its own. Their speciality was high quality giftware designed and sourced in Britain, much of it being made from brass. It was acquired by Manuscript Pen Company Ltd in August 2004 and is now based in Highley, Shropshire. Many of the lines are still marketed, now mostly imported. |
Howes & Burley Ltd., 24-30, Bishop Street, Birmingham, makers of lamps and blowlamps. This mark on a large blowlamp made for government service during the Great War. | |
This is one of their marks on an motoring oil lamp. | |
HS, Sewell's mark Marks S | |
HT & S (Sons) – Made in England, mark on late 19th century candlestick. More information welcome. Marks T | |
James and Joseph Hudson & Co., Birmingham, whistle makers with Acme™. | |
Humex mark raised on an electrically heated water filled greenhouse heater / humidifier. From 1987 this trade mark was owned by Shiltongrove Limited of Derby. The description covers greenhouse equipment but the humidifier was probably made well before this date by the predecessors. | |