Broseley Local History Society and The Wilkinson Society Programmes 1972 - 1997


The Programmes of the Wilkinson society and the Broseley Local History Society from 1972  to 1997.

1972    1973    1974    1975 1976    1977    1978    1979   1980

1981    1982    1983     1984     1985    1986     1987     1988    1989    1995

1996    1997   


Oct. 27th  Talk by Barrie Trinder on 'John Wilkinson in Shropshire'.


March 9th  Slide show by Ron Miles on the 'Severn Gorge'.

May 26th  Tour of Wilkinson sites in the Wrexham area, organised by Wayne Turner.

Oct 4th  AGM


Jan 24th  Symposium on the theme of “Local Clay Industries'':  the speakers were Mr. Frank Turner (Clay Mining at Blists Hill), Mr. Howard Williams (Brick and Tile Work of the Broseley area) and Mr. Tony Herbert (Ceramic Tile Industry of Jackfield).

March 22nd  Mr. George Stretton on “Early Communications and Settlements in S.E. Shropshire"

May 4th Coach-tour of historical sites in Broseley, Bridgnorth and north Telford areas.

June 8th Day conference on the theme "John Wilkinson and the two Willey Ironworks" the speakers were Mr. Robert Machin (Documentary and Archaeological Evidence), Mr. Maurice Hawes (Willey Tramway), Mr. Wayne Turner (John Wilkinson's Trade Tokens) and Mr. Ralph Pee (First Iron Boat) following these talks at the Lawns, lunch was taken at Broseley Hall; and the afternoon field-excursion ended with tea at the Deanery.

October 4th : second A.G.M. followed by talk "The importance of the excavations at Caughley" by Mr. David Holgate.

November 1st . Talk    "Tobacco pipe making in Broseley", by Mr. Ron James, Curator of Clive House Museum, Shrewsbury,  (joint meeting with Friends of Ironbridge Gorge Museum).


January 31st . members' evening

February 28th . talk - "John and William Wilkinson in France, the Austrian Netherlands,  Scandinavia and Silesia, 1775-1790", by Dr. W. H. Chaloner of Manchester University.

March 28th  talk   "Brick and Tile Works of the Broseley Area" by Mr. Howard Williams (sequel to earlier talk).

April 11th Mr. E. H. Pee spoke, on "The Old Industries of Bridgnorth", illustrated with slides.

7th June a party of 23 members and friends visited the Arkwright Society's headquarters at Cromford in Derbvshire

29th August. County Councillor Eric Robinson spoke on "Broseley's Past and Broseley's Future"

30th August the Society held an "Open Day"

October 24th : third A.G.M. followed by a talk "One Man's View of the Severn Gorge" by Mr. Maurice Hawes.

November 21st: Talk - "The Ecomusée at Le Creusot in Burgundy", by Mr. Barrie Trinder


6th Feb  Members’ Evening

12th March.  Talk -  Mr. Stuart Smith on "Art in the Severn Gorge"

March, April, May and June a small party of members, led by Chris Pointon, set about the task of redecorating and reorganising the Museum.

26th/27th June  Weekend Trip to the Backbarrow and Lindale areas of Cumberland

2nd July  Mr. Neil Cossons, Director of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum, spoke on "Preserving our Industrial Heritage"

4th September  Official Opening of the New Museum

 22nd October  Fourth Annual General Meeting followed by an account of the Weekend in Cumbria., given by Messrs. Chris Pointon, Howard Griffiths, and Maurice Hawes.

12th November  Dr. Ivor Brown - "Old Mines, Miners and Mining Machinery on the Banks of the Severn Gorge"


18th. March  Social Evening at Broseley Hall

20th May Visit to the Coalport Museum

May 28th Dyson Perrins Museum at Worcester

14th October   Illustrated talk –“The Ceramic Industry in the Severn Gorge, 1750-1820”- by Mr. D.B. Roberts,

11th November Fifth A.G.M.  followed by a short illustrated talk .- “The Severn Navigation” by Mr N. J. Clarke.

9th December Tape-slide presentation with spoken commentary – “Exports from Ironbridge” arranged by Peter Green, Hilary Green, Tony Herbert, Peter Martin and Barrie Trinder.  At the Severn Warehouse, Ironbridge.


24th February  Members Evening at "The Lawns".

31st March  Illustrated talk - "George Maw, Botanist, Gardener and Plant Hunter" – by Sir Paul Benthall, F.L.S.

20th  May Summer Outing  to the Avoncroft Museum  of  Buildings, near  Bromsgrove), and Evesham.

1st  September    Fourth, Annual Celebrity Lecture in association with the Broseley and District Arts Union:  Mr. Henry Sandon, Curator of the Dyson Perins Museum at the Worcester Porcelain Works, will speak on “Caughley and Worcester Porcelain.”

7th, 8th and 9th September at "The Lawns", several members of the Society took part in the Broseley Pageant.

 27th October  Sixth A.G.M., at the Cumberland Hotel  followed by a talk - "The Broseley Association for the Prosecution of Felons" - by Mr. J. Cragg.

10th November  Illustrated talk - "The Bradley Ironworks of John Wilkinson" - by Mr. W. Smith, The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton.

8th December  Joint meeting with the Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum at the Severn Warehouse, Ironbridge : illustrated talk - "The Uncommon Genius - Thomas Telford", by Alistair Penfold.


9th February  Members' evening at "The Lawns".

16th March  Illustrated talk - "Memories of Old Broseley", by Mr. E. Harris. (Postponed due to snow).

May/June   It is hoped to arrange a summer outing in association with the F.I.G.M

21st July 1979  Outing to the Piece Hall, Halifax, Shibden Hall and the Wainhouse Tower.

31st August   Mr. W.K.V.Gale  "A lateral look at Iron and Steel"

12th October  Seventh A.G.M., followed by a talk - "Broseley and the Iron Bridge" - by Mr. Ralph Pee.

9th November  "Broseley as I remember it" - talk by Mr. Ernie Harris (postponed from March).

13th December  Joint meeting with the Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum at the Severn Warehouse - film evening.


15th February   Members' social evening at "The Lawns".

7th March  Illustrated talk - "The work of Thomas Farnolls Pritchard in Shropshire" - by Mr. J.B. Lawson.

27th April  Annual summer outing - joint visit with the Friends of I.G.M.T. to the Model Industrial Village of Styal, Cheshire, and the Anderton Boat Lift.

July  Sixth Annual Celebrity Lecture (details to be announced).

7th June   Re-opening of the Society's museum for 1980

26th September  Mr. Ian Lawley  "Quakerism in Broseley"

24th October  Recent discoveries at the New Willey Ironworks site - talk by Mr. Ralph Pee.

28th November  Eighth A.G.M., followed by a joint meeting with the Broseley Society and an illustrated talk - "Broseley Tiles" - by Mr. Mike Stratton.

17th December  Joint meeting with the Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum at the Severn Warehouse - film evening.


27th February  Members' social evening at "The Lawns"

11th July  Annual summer outing - joint visit with the I.G.M.T. Friends to S.S. Great Britain, Bristol and Bath.

9th October  "The industrialisation of Broseley, 1570 - 1700" - talk by Dr. Malcolm Wanklyn, The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton.

6th November  Illustrated talk - "John Rose and Edward Blakeway" - by Mr. Roger Edmundson.

28th November Ninth AGM in the Church Hall, Broseley and a joint meeting with the Broseley Society, a talk  by Mr. M. Stratton entitled "Broseley Tiles"

17th  December  Joint meeting with I.G.M.T. Friends at the Severn Warehouse - film evening. 


5th March  Members' social evening in the Church Hall.

April-September  The Committee catalogued and dismantled the exhibits at "The Lawns" and transported them to Broseley Hall

7th May  A guided tour through the Tar Tunnel, Coalport.

9th  July  Visit to Maw's Tile Works, Jackfield.

15th October          Tenth A.G.M.,followed by talk - "Wem Cow Club and Other Curiosities of Insurance in Shropshire" - by Mr. Chris Whall

9th  November  "Broseley Pipes and other interesting things" - talk by Mr. Ivor Southern at the Cumberland Hotel..

8th December  Joint meeting with the I.G.M.T. Friends at the Severn Warehouse - an oral history evening. "Local Dialects in the Black Country", presented on tape and video by members of the Redditch Historical Society.      


January - April   Re-erection of exhibits in new museum at Broseley Hall

18th  February  Extraordinary General Meeting and Members' social evening in the Church Hall

18th  March  "The Parish Chest" - talk by Rev. L.F. Peltor.

1st May  official opening of new museum at Broseley Hall. 

19th September  Visit of Mr. Leighton Wilkie and party (Des Plains, Illinois, U.S.A.) to Museum

14th October  Eleventh AGM, followed by illustrated talk - "The saving of the last Severn Trow" - by Mr. Brian Waterson

11th  November  "The 'Trial' Enigma" - illustrated talk by Mr. R. Pringle-Scott

14th December  Joint meeting with I.G.M.T. Friends at the Severn Warehouse


22nd February  Joint meeting with the Broseley Society - social evening and slides (Mr. Ron Miles)

30th March  "Road Transport" - illustrated talk by Dr. Barrie Trinder

16th April  'John Wilkinson' - an illustrated talk by Neil Clarke, America Room, IGMT, The Wharfage, Ironbridge at 7.30 p. m.

20th April  'John Wilkinson of Willey' - a walk led by Neil Clarke, beginning at Broseley Church Car Park at 2.30 p.m., (Organised by the Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum - members of the Wilkinson Society welcome.)

12th  October  12th A.G.M., followed by viewing of china collection bequeathed to the Society by the late Ralph Pee.

23rd  November  "Portraits of John Wilkinson" - illustrated talk by David de Haan.

12th  December  Joint meeting with Friends of Ironbridge Museum.


15th  February  Social Evening - "Found under the floorboards".

22nd  March  "Oral History in the Ironbridge Gorge" – illustrated talk by Ken Jones.

18th  May  Summer outing to Bersham Industrial Heritage Centre.

11th  October  13th A.G.M., followed by Roger Edmundson on current market values of typical pieces of Caughley china.

8th  November  'John Wilkinson and new methods of transport' - illustrated talk by Neil Clarke.

6th  December  Joint meeting with the Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum.


21st  March  Social evening and dinner at The Cumberland Hotel, Broseley, speaker Tony Herbert.

4th  April  Joint meeting with the Broseley Society. "What should be the aims of a museum in Broseley".

April   A small but very willing party of members dismantled the exhibits in the cellars of Broseley Hall, and transported them to the stable block of "The Lawns",

Summer  Visits to the Black Country Museum (date to be decided).

28th  November  14th A.G.M., followed by a run-down on the plans for the new Broseley Museum at "The Lawns".

11th  December  Joint Annual Meeting with Friends of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Long Warehouse, Coalbrookdale, 7.30 p.m.


8th May 1987: “Broseley and the Domesday Book” (Neil Clarke)  

27th May 1987: Annual Dinner at “The Lawns”.  

11th  July  1987: Annual Outing to the Black Country Museum in Dudley, using members’ own transport.  

23rd October 1987: 15th A.G.M.; Chris Pointon elected Treasurer, no other Committee changes. The formalities were followed by a talk on “The New Blists Hill Ironworks” (Lance Smith).  

13th  November  1987 Joint meeting with the Broseley Society, to discuss the proposed Broseley Museum Trust (B.M.T.).  

10th December 1987: Joint Meeting with the F.I.B.G.M.  


11th July  Joint meeting with the Broseley Society on the new upper floor meeting rooms of ‘The Lawns’ stable block.

9th November 1988: Joint meeting with the Broseley Society, “Life in C 17th Broseley”  Dr. Barrie Trinder.

14th December 1988: Joint Meeting with the F.T.B.G.M.  


27th January 16th AGM and ‘Arial Photographs of Local Interest’  Ron Miles.


11th February  ‘Parklands of Shropshire’ by Dr Paul Stamper

11th March  ‘Early Railways’, Michael Vanns.

8th April  Guided Walk with Tony Mugridge

13th and 14th May Reminiscences of Broseley during the War, Broseley Library.


21st  September  Annual General Meeting, 2.30 pm.

9-10th  November  Photographs of BroseleyWeekend, 12.30—4.00 pm. each day.


17th  January  Visit of replica Trevithick Steam Carriage, Blists Hill Museum, 7.30 pm (jointly with Friends of Ironbridge Gorge Museum).

14th  March  A talk on Researching John Wilkinson (Neil Clarke), 7.30 pm.

11th  May  Coach trip to Matthew Boulton’s Soho House, departs Broseley Square, 12.30 pm.

11th  July  A guided tour of industrial archaeology sites in North Telford associated with John Wilkinson; cars to meet at Telford Central Station car park at 7.30 pm.

3rd  October  Annual General Meeting.






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