Bicentenary Tokens of John Wilkinson
Bicentenary Tokens
John Wilkinson (1728-1808)
To celebrate the bicentenary of the death of John Wilkinson, a new issue of tokens was struck. They included his effigy and dates on the obverse.
The reverse design is based on an enhanced ‘Forgemaster’ updated to the bicentenary year, 2008.
This project was organised by Broseley Local History Society and financially part-supported by a grant from Broseley Town Council. The tokens were sold at a very small profit to help finance the erection of commemorative plaques at ‘The Lawns’, Wilkinson’s house in Broseley and other plaques commemorating historical Broseley residents.
The tokens are supplied in presentation boxes with a descriptive leaflet. ‘Proof’ Token No 1 was auctioned and went to a local enthusiast for £200 to support the fund. The others were available at £8 each. There was a discount for BLHS members when bought at meetings.
All the tokens have now been sold.
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