
Richard Evered and Sons

(c) Antique Metalware Society

Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to 'Oldcopper.org' website.

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 Evered & Co., Surrey Works Lewisham Road, Smethwick, Birmingham.  Trademark shield with RE&S, E&C underneath.  Manufacturers of chandeliers, brackets, hall lamps, gas lamps, gas fittings of every type, brass bedsteads, electroliers, solid and brass cased steel tubes, window and curtain fittings.

Richard Evered started the business in 1809 in Charles Street, near Drury Lane in London.  A branch manufactory was established in Lambeth to make brass-cased steel tubes for curtain rails and similar applications.  In 1860 the firm moved to Birmingham to be in the centre of the brassmaking industry, setting up in Bartholomew Street, Digbeth.  In 1866 they made their final move to the Surrey Works in Smethwick.  There was room for expansion on this site and further buildings were added to make bedstead, cots and more products.  


An Evered advertisement in the 1907 Birmingham Directory