Broseley Local History Society Journal

Alphabetical Topics

BLHS Journal Articles - Alphabetical Index

up till 2005

BLHS Journals from No 20, 1998 are on the '' website


"As Others See Us": Contemporary Opinion of John Wilkinson and his Achievements, Neil Clarke,  No 12 (1984),  pp. 4-7.

Another Time - Another War, note (R. Pee), No 9 (1981), p. 17.  

Barges in Victorian Shropshire, R. A. Barker,  No 8 (1980),  pp. 8-11.

Beaumarchais and John Wilkinson - Strangers or Fellow Conspirators?,  Ruth Dodd ,  No. 22 (2000),  pp. 2-17.

Bersham Industrial Heritage Centre, The Visit to, Howard P Griffiths,  No 13 (1985),  pp. 12-14.

Betancourt sheds light on the Wilkinsons, book review, (Richard Baker),  No 19 (1997),  pp. 13-15.

Boat-Building and the Chepstow Ship Registers,  R. A. Barker,  No 6 (1978),  pp. 21-22.

Boat-Building in the Ironbridge Gorge, Neil Clarke,  No 4 (1976),  pp. 7-8.

Boat-Building in the Ironbridge Gorge, correspondence, (H Waterhouse),  No 8 (1980),  p. 15.

Boatbuilding in the Ironbridge Gorge, correspondence, (T C Hancox),  No 5 (1977),  p. 13.

Bradley Ironworks Plaque, note (Ed.),  No 14 (1986),  p. 9.

British Oil - developments in the Ironbridge Gorge during the 17th and 18th centuries, Paul Luter, No 27 (2005), pp40-45.

Broseley and its Surroundings by John Randall, book/CD review (Steve Dewhirst),  No. 23 (2001),  p. 40.

Broseley Anti-Felons, The, Part 1, John Cragg, No 9 (1981),  pp. 11-13.

Broseley Anti-Felons, The, Part 2, John Cragg, No 11 (1983),  pp. 6-10.

Broseley Childhood, A, Autobiography Pt 1, Jack Owen, No. 23 (2001), pp. 32-38.

Broseley Gasworks, Peter Hutchinson, No. 24 (2002),  pp. 22-24.

Broseley Home of John Wilkinson, The, Ralph Pee, No 1 (1973),  pp. 5-6.

Broseley Home of John Wilkinson, The, Ralph Pee, (Reprinted from No 1),  No 7 (1979), pp. 4-6.

Broseley Miners at Worsley,  Jeff Tudge,  No. 23 (2001),  pp.2-5.

Broseley Morris Dancers 300 Years Ago, E H Pee, No 4 (1976),  p. 13.

Broseley Hall and Thomas Farnolls Prichard, Veronica West, No 10 (1982),  pp. 10-11.

Broseley Railway, Neil Clarke, No 2 (1974),  p. 6.

Burning Well Of Broseley, The,  Sylvia Watts,  No. 24 (2002),  pp. 17-18.


Cast Iron Water Tanks at 'The Lawns', The, Richard Barker, Wilkinson Studies, Vol 1, 1991, pp. 53-62.

Cannon in the Gambia, Margaret Barrett,  No 18 (1996),  pp. 18-20.

Cannon at Barra in the Gambia, correspondence, (Margaret Barrett), No 21 (1999),  pp. 36 & 34.

Caughley Itinerary, A, ‘Perfectly Retired From The World’, Stephen Perry, No. 22 (2000), pp. 18-35.

Childhood Memories of Life in Broseley, Betty Caswell, No 20 (1998), pp. 9-13.

Chris Whall, An appreciation, Maurice Hawes, No 16 (1988), p. 13.

Churches of the Broseley Area, Dennis Mason, No 2 (1974),  pp. 3-5

Clay Tobacco Pipeworks, note (Rex Key),  No 17 (1995),  p. 13.

Coal, Iron and Clay ... and the Law!, Neil Clarke,  No 4 (1976),  p. 9.  

Coal – The Vital Resource at Caughley, John Willock, No. 25 (2003), pp. 16-19.

Collection of Broseley and Wilkinson Relics, The, note (Ed.), No 1 (1973),  pp. 1

Curator's Report, R. Pee,  No 4 (1976),  p. 14.


Diary of Mary Ann Lewis, The, - selected extracts (NJC) No 27 (2005), pp. 46-48

Douglas Braid, 1908-1999, obituary, (Richard Barker),  No 21 (1999),  pp. 33-34.


Early Mining Maps of the Ironbridge Gorge, Ivor Brown,  No 20 (1998),  pp. 2-5.

Ern Harris : An Obituary, John Cragg,  No 11 (1983),  p. 14.


Family History, correspondence, (Frank Lloyd),  No 16 (1988),  p. 4.

First Iron Boat, Helton Tarn : Press Release, note (Ed.),  No 9 (1981),  p. 17.

First Iron Boat, The, note (John Powell),  No 21 (1999),  p. 35.

First Iron Boat, The, Ralph Pee,  No 14 (1986),  pp. 6-9.

Frank Turner - An Obituary, Neil Clarke,  No 10 (1982),  p. 12.

From Wilkinson Society to Broseley Local History Society, Neil Clarke, No. 22 (2000), pp. 36-39.


Gilbert Gilpin, 1766-1827; Agent, Trade Correspondent and Chain Maker, Neil Clarke, No 5 (1977),  pp. 9-12.

Glassmaking in Broseley, Part 1, T C Hancox, No 3 (1975),  pp. 3-4.

Glassmaking in Broseley, Part 2, T. C. Hancox, No 4 (1976),  pp. 4-6.

Grand Junction Icebreaker, correspondence, (M. J. Keef),  No 16 (1988),  p. 4.

Graveyard of Barges ?, A, note, (Ed.) ,  No 6 (1978),  p. 22.

Graveyard of Barges ?, A, note, (R. Pee),  No 8 (1980),  p. 11.


Hawarden Bridge Iron and Steel Works, The, Shotton, near Chester: a Study in Entrepreneurial History,  P S Richards,  No 3 (1975),  pp. 9-11.

History of the Broseley Area, The : Selected Extracts (1 – The Early Middle Ages), Neil Clarke, No 1 (1973),  p. 9.

Hornblower Saga, The, Paul Andrew Luter, No 26 (2004), pp. 28-31.

Hulbert’s ‘History and Description of the County of Salop’, Steve Dewhirst,  No. 23 (2001),  pp. 23-28.


Ideas and Movements of the Eighteenth Century and John Wilkinson, the Spirit of the Age,  Diana Clarke,  No. 24 (2002),  pp. 2-16.

Index of Main Articles, 1972-77,  No 5 (1977),  p. 14.

Industrial Archaeology of Shropshire, Book Review, (Neil Clarke),  No 19 (1997),  pp. 15-16.

Industrial Revolution in France at Le Creusot, On the beginnings of the, Leon Griveau, No 27 (2005), pp. 29-39.

Iron Barges, correspondence, (Richard Barker),  No 16 (1988),  p. 5.

Iron Boat Bicentenary Number,  No 15 (1985)

Iron Bridge at War, The, Ron Miles,  No 9 (1981),  pp. 14-17.

Iron Bridge Bicentenary, The, correspondence, (R Chaplin),  No 8 (1980),  p. 16.

Iron Bridge Bicentenary Number,  No 7 (1979)

Ironbridge Bicentenary, The, note, (Ed.), No 6 (1978),  p. 20.


Jack Owen's Autobiography, Parts 1, 2 and 3, Jack Owen, from Nos. 23,  24 and 25

Jackfield Decorative Tile Industry, The,  note, (Ed.),  No 3 (1975),,  p. 11.

Jackfield in 1851,  S. Perfect and V. West,  No 8 (1980),  pp. 12-14.

Jackfield Mine Disaster, The, 1856,  Ivor J. Brown,  No. 23 (2001),  pp. 29-31.

John Byng's Visits to Broseley, Neil Clarke,  No 20 (1998),  pp. 6-8.

John Wilkinson (and the Spirit of the Age: Ideas and Movements of the Eighteenth Century), Diana Clarke,  No. 24 (2002),  pp. 2-16.

John Wilkinson and Beaumarchais - Strangers or Fellow Conspirators?,  Ruth Dodd ,  No. 22 (2000),  pp. 2-17.

John Wilkinson and Bradley, Thoughts on, Ron Davis,  No 21 (1999),  pp. 8-14.

John Wilkinson and his Family, Michael Berthoud,  No 17 (1995),  pp. 3-7.

John Wilkinson and the early Iron Barges,  Richard Barker,  No 15 (1985),  pp. 1-34.

John Wilkinson and the Iron Bridge, Part 1, ‘The Bridge in Modern Times’, Michael Berthoud,  No 18 (1996),  pp. 4-9.

John Wilkinson and the Iron Bridge, Part 2, ‘The Background to the Bridge’, Michael Berthoud,  No 19 (1997),  pp. 2-7.

John Wilkinson and the Two Willey Ironworks,  No 16 (1988),  pp. 6-11.

John Wilkinson and Thomas Turner : Employer and Employee?, Stephen Perry,  No. 23 (2001),  pp. 13-22.

John Wilkinson, Banker, correspondence, (Peter Robb),  No 13 (1985),  p. 3.  

John Wilkinson - Copper King?, Vin Callcut, No 27 (2005), pp. 2-28

John Wilkinson - Ironmaster Extraordinary, Ron Davies, 30pp., 2001  ISBN 0 9504999 5 1

John Wilkinson, Ironmaster Extraordinary by Ron Davies, book review, (Rex Key),  No. 23 (2001),  p. 39.

John Wilkinson, Ironmaster : The Dynamic Force that ushered in the dawn of our Industrial Age, book review, (Maurice Hawes),  No 11 (1983),  p. 5.

John Wilkinson School, The, note (Maurice Hawes),  No 4 (1976),  p. 9.

John Wilkinson’s Trade Tokens, Wayne Turner, No 2 (1974),  pp. 10-12.

John Wilkinson's Trade Tokens, Wayne Turner, (Reprinted from No 2),  No 7 (1979),  pp. 6-8.

John Wilkinson's Trade Tokens, correspondence, (P Criddle),  No 8 (1980),  p. 16.

Josiah John Guest, 1785-1852, Neil Clarke,  No 4 (1976),  pp. 11-12.

Josiah John Guest, correspondence, (F V Francis), No 5 (1977),  p. 12.  

Journal Index, 1973-2002, No. 25 (2003), pp. 27-32. (This Page)

Journal, The, correspondence (W. Howard Williams),  No 3 (1975),,  p. 13.


King of the Ironmasters, Wayne Turner, No 1 (1973),  pp. 3-4.

King of the Ironmasters,  Wayne Turner (Reprinted from No 1),  No 7 (1979),  pp. 2-4.

King of the Ironmasters, correspondence, ( L F Peltor),  No 8 (1980),  p. 15.


Lateral Look at Iron and Steel, A, W K V Gale, No 8 (1980),  pp. 6-7.

Le Creusot: A Wilkinson Legacy', David Lake, No 21 (1999),  pp. 27-32.

Le Creusot: A Wilkinson Legacy, correspondence, Donald Harris, No. 22 (2000),  pp. 41-43.

Lectures And Field-Trips organised by the Society on the Life and Work of John Wilkinson, 1972-1978, note, (Ed.).,  No 7 (1979),  p. 15.

Leonard Lead : A Shropshire Charcoal Burner in the Industrial Revolution,  Peter Lead,  No 10 (1982),  pp. 3-9

Lion Hotel in 1923, The, by Mary Dixon, No 26 (2004), pp. 37-40.


Markers in Benthall History, Tony Herbert,  No 5 (1977),  pp. 4-5.

Meadow Colliery, The, Madeley,  Frank Turner,  No 11 (1983),  pp 10-13.

Memories of a Shropshire Lad, part 1by Dennis Mason, No 26 (2004), pp. 41-47.

Memories of a Shropshire Lad, part 2, Dennis Mason, No 27 (2005), pp. 49-53.

Migration of Pottery Workers between Stoke-on-Trent and the Broseley Area in the Eighteenth Century, Maurice Hawes, No 2 (1974),  pp. 7-9.

Musical About John Wilkinson...?, A, note (Ed.),  No 17 (1995),  p.12.


New Hadley Colliery and Ironworks, The,  Neil Clarke,  No 7 (1979),  pp. 12-14.

New Hadley Colliery and Ironworks, correspondence, (Dr I J Brown),  No 8 (1980),  p.14.

New Willey Ironworks, Neil Clarke, No 2 (1974),  p. 15.

New Willey Ironworks, The,: A Reappraisal Of The Site,  Ralph Pee,  No 9 (1981),  pp. 3-9.


Old Vicarage, The, Benthall, Broseley, Salop., Archaeological Investigation, John Sandon,  No 6 (1978),  pp.9-20.

On the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in France at Le Creusot, Leon Griveau, No 27 (2005), pp. 29-39.

Our New Museum, note (Ed),  No 4 (1976),  p. 10.


Passing through Willey in 1735, Neil Clarke,  No 18 (1996),  pp. 10-17.

Perfectly Retired From The World - A Caughley Itinerary, Stephen Perry,  No. 22 (2000),  pp. 18-35.

Pottery Workers, correspondence,  (A R Mountford),  No 3 (1975),  p. 13.

Pottery Workers, correspondence, (A R Mountford),  No 5 (1977),  p. 13.


Quarrels of the Brothers Wilkinson, The, Frank Dawson, No 26 (2004), pp. 2-27.


Ralph Pee China Bequest, note (Maurice Hawes),  No 12 (1984),  p. 8.

Ralph Pee, 1912-1983; A Tribute to the Founder of the Wilkinson Society, Neil Clarke,  No 11 (1983),  pp. 4-5.

Ramsell: What's In a Name ?, Jim Cooper,  No 21 (1999),  pp. 2-7.

Recent Developments at Bersham, note (Ed.),  No 16 (1988),  p. 3.

Researching John Wilkinson, literature survey, Neil Clarke ,  No 12 (1984),  pp. 9-10.

Richard Trevithick and the Hazledine Foundry at Bridgnorth,  Maurice Hawes,  No 3 (1975),  pp. 7-8.


Severn Barges, correspondence (Richard Barker),  No 9 (1981),  pp. 18-19.

Severn Barges, correspondence (Ron Miles),  No 9 (1981),  p. 18.

Severn in South Shropshire, The, Part 1, Ralph Pee,  No 5 (1977),  pp. 6-8.

Severn in South Shropshire, The, Part 2,  Ralph Pee,  No 6 (1978),  pp. 4-8.

Severn in South Shropshire, The, correspondence, (R C Pee),  No 8 (1980),  p. 17.

Shirlett Sanatorium, Victoria Cox,  No 21 (1999),  pp. 20-26.

Shirlett Sanatorium, correspondence, (Ivan Hall),  No. 22 (2000),  p. 40.

Shropshire and the South Wales Iron Industry, Steve Dewhirst,  No 17 (1995),  pp. 9-10.

Shropshire Railways in Print, literature survey, Neil Clarke,  No 14 (1986),  p. 10.

Sir John Dugdale K.C.V.O., obituary, Vera Francis,  No 17 (1995),  pp. 7-8.

Society's Collection of Industrial Relics, The, Ralph Pee, No 2 (1974),  pp. 13-15.

Society's Collection, The,  Ralph Pee,  No 3 (1975),  p. 12.

Some Mining Incidents in the Broseley Field,  I J Brown,  No 8 (1980),  pp. 3-6.

Subterranean Secrets of ‘Rivendell’, The, Michael Pope,  No. 24 (2002),  pp. 19-21.


Thomas Turner and the Newdigate Connection, John Willcock, No 26 (2004), pp. 32-36.

Thomas Turner at Caughley, John and Nadine Shearman,  No 19 (1997),  pp. 8-12.  

Today Broseley – Tomorrow the World, David Lake, No. 25 (2003), pp. 5-15.

'Trial' Enigma, The, Ray Pringle-Scott,  No 13 (1985),  pp. 4-11.

Unfortunate Barge Builder, The, Richard Barker, No. 25 (2003), pp. 2-4.

W. Howard Williams:  An Appreciation,  Neil Clarke,  No 3 (1975),  p. 6.

Walkers Company, Rotherham, correspondence, (Steve Dewhirst),  No 21 (1999),  p. 36.  

Wartime and After: part 3 of my Autobiography, Jack Owen, No. 25 (2003), pp. 20-26

Water Pipes or Cannon? Neil Clarke, No 2 (1974),  pp. 12.

Water Pipes or Cannon?,  Neil Clarke,  No 3 (1975),  p. 8.

Where was Abraham Darby I buried?, Barrie Trinder, No 2 (1974), p.6.

Wilkinson Monument at Lindale, The, note (Ed.), No 10 (1982),  p. 9.

Wilkinson Monument Restored, note, (John Powell), No 13 (1985),  pp. 11 & 14.

Wilkinson Society to Broseley Local History Society, Neil Clarke,  No. 22 (2000),  pp. 36-39.

Wilkinsonians go to Wrexham, note (Ed.), No 17 (1995),  p. 11.

Wilkinson's Barges, correspondence,  (Richard Barker), No. 22 (2000),  p. 40.

Wilkinson's Iron Boats, note, (Richard Barker), No 7 (1979),  p. 15.

Willey Ironworks, The Two, Maurice Hawes and Ralph Pee, No 7 (1979),  pp. 8-12.

Willey Ironworks, The, - A Plea For Action, Douglas Braid, No 16 (1988),  p. 12.

William Doughty - Bursting and Blow-up of the new Gasometer, Rex Key,  No 20 (1998),  pp. 14-16.

William Wilkinson's Plans for Louis XVI’s New Cannon Factory, 1781, translation, (David Lake),  No. 23 (2001),  pp. 6-12.

Working at the Blists Hill Mine Forty Years Ago,  Frank Turner,  No 3 (1975),,  pp. 5-6.

Working in the Area in the 1930s, Autobiography Part 2,  Jack Owen,  No. 24 (2002),  pp. 25-32.

Working Women of the Borough of Wenlock, Sue Harvey,  No 21 (1999),  pp. 15-19.



BLHS Journals from No 20, 1998 are on the '' website.