John Shaw and Sons Ltd
(c) Antique Metalware Society
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John Shaw & Sons Ltd, Fourth Avenue, Bushbury, Wolverhampton, used a 'Governor' Trade Mark and J.S.S. or JS&S mark on their blowlamps and other products. The mark should not be confused with the JS&S of Sankey.
These photographs are from a blowlamp owned by Frank Sharman. Centred is the 'Governor' pictogram.
The 'Governor' Trade Mark on a plumber's blowlamp.
This is small wick adjustor button used on a small hand oil lamp.
John Shaw, Britool, James Neil Holdings In the 1970s the firm was taken over by James Neill Holdings plc of Sheffield, another long established tool company. The Shaw name has since disappeared although Britool is a household name in the UK.
For three pages of information, see: Wolverhampton Local History metalware site.
See also Ross Mellows' Classic Camp Stoves site.