Townshend Acanthus Gongs
(c) Antique Metalware Society
Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to '' website.
Helpful comments are very welcome.
The ‘Acanthus’ and ‘Gongs’ trade mark seems to have been used only for a short-lived period after 1894 for the production of a distinctive pattern on copper and brass sheet. This metal was significantly harder than most previously used for products made from sheet and strip. It was hard rolled and pre-patterned while flat with the registered 'Acanthus' design before fabrication by stamping and pressing. The most common products found are mostly trays of various shapes with distinctive heavily deckled edges. The edges of the trays were attractively raised to help keep the trays rigid. The shapes of the trays were both decorative and functional. They were given a lacquered finish that was hard enough to stand frequent use. As long as that finish is still intact the trays are easy to keep clean. If the lacquer is removed, the trays can be polished although some of the curves do present some problems.
The sheet was also used for the production of fireguards, gongs, cake stands, crumb trays, pipe racks, jardinières and candle sconces. Several designs numbers were registered such as 226030, 226031, 226032 and 226033 but the details of the designs are missing from the relevant 'Representations' file of the National Archive.
A Townshend 'Acanthus' Trade Mark almost hidden in the decoration on a crumb tray.
- and this one rather clearer on the handle of a copper tray even though it has been double struck. The registration number is that of the 'Acanthus' trade mark.
More product illustrations to come.